Catherine Rayner
Ena izmed prvih reči, ki smo jih naredili po tem, ko smo se udomačili v novem domu, je bil obisk knjižnice. Gospodična G je takoj stekla na otroški oddelek in nas poklicala k sebi. Sedli smo na mehko pisano in brali vsak svojo knjigo. Gospodična N jih je jemala iz najnižje police, ki je rezervirana za kartonke, gospodična G je imela drugo polico, midva z Žigom pa sva se zatopila v knjige o vzgoji.
Določene knjige je gospodična G prinesla nama in sva ji jih prebrala. Tako mi je v nekem trenutku potisnila v roko knjigo z naslovom Posy. V trenutku sem se zaljubila v mucka na naslovnici. Poglejte to ilustracijo. Ali ni čudovita? Doma sem na internetu takoj poiskala ilustratorkino stran in našla še več čudovitih slik. (Komaj čakam, da bo tale stran začela obratovati).
One of the first things we did, after getting cosy in our new home, was to visit a local library. Miss G went straight to the kids corner with soft rug and toys on the floor. She started reading and here and there brought a book to us to read it out loud to her. At one moment she brought a lovely book titled Posy. I instantly fell in love with the cute kitten on the front page. Just look at this illustration. Isn't it great? I could not help but search for Mrs Catherine Rayner on the net.
I hope her website is active soon, but in the mean time, you can visit this one.

Prav nič me ne preseneča, da je ilustratorja dobitnica različnih naglad. Res je enkratna.
It's no surprise that Catherine Rayner is an award winning illustrator and childrens author. She is really talented.
Določene knjige je gospodična G prinesla nama in sva ji jih prebrala. Tako mi je v nekem trenutku potisnila v roko knjigo z naslovom Posy. V trenutku sem se zaljubila v mucka na naslovnici. Poglejte to ilustracijo. Ali ni čudovita? Doma sem na internetu takoj poiskala ilustratorkino stran in našla še več čudovitih slik. (Komaj čakam, da bo tale stran začela obratovati).
One of the first things we did, after getting cosy in our new home, was to visit a local library. Miss G went straight to the kids corner with soft rug and toys on the floor. She started reading and here and there brought a book to us to read it out loud to her. At one moment she brought a lovely book titled Posy. I instantly fell in love with the cute kitten on the front page. Just look at this illustration. Isn't it great? I could not help but search for Mrs Catherine Rayner on the net.
I hope her website is active soon, but in the mean time, you can visit this one.

Prav nič me ne preseneča, da je ilustratorja dobitnica različnih naglad. Res je enkratna.
It's no surprise that Catherine Rayner is an award winning illustrator and childrens author. She is really talented.
(Sliki sta objavljeni z avtoričinim dovoljenjem. / Mrs Catherine Rayner kindly alloved me to add her illustrations on this post.)