Rosa / Dew
Naš zadnji dan na Islandiji.
Jutranja rosa na travniku.
Pod cvetlicami črna tla.
Stali smo pod vulkanom Eyjafjallajoku.
Okoli nas svežina in spokojnost.
To je moj zadnji spomin z Islandije.
Kmalu se začne šola in čas je, da svoje možganske celice preusmerim s počitnic na pouk.
A kadarkoli bom utrujena sedela v živžavu razreda, me bo spomin na ta rosen travnik poživil.
It was our last day on Iceland.
Morning dew on the meadow.
Black black soil under the grass.
We were standing by the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano.
It was peacefull and fress.
This is my last memory from Iceland.
And now it's time for me to switch my brain cells from holidays to school. Pupils are ready, waiting for their first day. It's going to be a great year, I know it.
Lep septemberski začetek ti želim :-))