Zelena / Green

Zelena je barva svežine.
Zelena je barva vztrajnosti.
Zelena je barva sprostitve.
Zelena je barva upanja.

Green is the colour of freshness.
Green is the colour of persistence.
Green is the colour of relaxation.
Green is the colour of hope.

 Z nono smo šle v gozd nabirat smrekove vršičke.

We went to the woods with my nana to pick baby pine needles (I believe this is not the correct expression, but I hope you know what I'm talking about).


Oseba Janja sporoča …
Čudovite slike. Lepo ste zapolnile proste urice .... prijetno in koristno. Lp
Oseba Ann sporoča …
Ah green - my favourite colour. Just realised why I'm always drawn to the green clothes on a charity shop rail! Lovely to see your girls enjoying nature and hope your weather has been as good as ours over the holiday.
Oseba Vladuška sporoča …
Zeleno obožujem in zato je pomlad zame vedno prebujanje z naravo.