Ciciplaninec / Little mountaineer

Nič šivanja... le hoja.

No sewing today... just walking.

 Bil je res čudovit dan. Doma smo pustili posodo od kosila kar na mizi, delo ob računalniku, kup nezlikanih cunj, perilo v stroju... in odšli ven, v hribe, proti Korošaškim slapovom.

It was a wonderful day... we left the dishes on the table, work in front of the computer, a basket of clothes ready to be ironed and others ready to be hanged... and we went out... to the mountains.


Izdelali smo si tudi šopek - iz praznih polžjih hišic, mahu in suhih vejic.
Gospodična G jih je ob povratku razdelila med prijateljice.
We also made a little bunch of crafty flowers - empty snail shells, moss and dry sticks.
Miss G gave them to her friends when we got back to our cars.


Oseba Ann sporoča …
A lovely day - who can resist dropping everything and heading for the mountains! Love your "flowers" - never thought snail shells could be upcycled!! ;o)
Oseba Vladuška sporoča …
In imeli prekrasen dan, ki ste ga ovekovečili v te prekrasne fotografije. Včasih je treba vse pustiti in oditi.
Oseba HRANDICA sporoča …
Iiiiii,kako luštnte mogoče srečali Kekca? Vse izgleda tako iz pravljično.
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Oh je ljubek tale šopek iz polžjih hišic ...