Z mislimi na morju / Thinking about the sea
Z morja vedno prinesem domov kup naplavljenega lesa, školjk in polžkov pa kamenčkov z luknjami. Potem se tja do jeseni zabavam z iskanjem idej, skiciranjem in sestavljanjem. Včasih mi uspe kakšno idejo tudi realizirati :o)
I always bring lots of drifted wood and shells from our vacations by the sea. To tell you the truth, I have a whole box of my sea treasures (from years and years of collecting)... and a head full of ideas. I'm so happy I managed to make this sea-mobile. I'll send it to my mum tomorrow as a birthday surprise.
Obešanka pa ustreza tudi tokratnji temi CRAFT-alnice 'Poletje je pred vrati'.
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