Nekako mi je uspelo založiti naš stari adventni koledar.
Zagotovo se bo našel takoj, ko bo nastopilo novo leto.
I managed to misplaced our old Advent calendar.
I'm sure it will magically appear after this jolly season.
Izginotje sem vzela kot znak, da je čas za nekaj novega.
I guess it was time to make a new one.
Dekleti sta izbrali blago, Mali B gumbe. Vse skupaj je bilo narejeno v rekordnem času.
Blago sem napela na lesen okvir, prišila gumbe, zabila nov žebelj v steno in tadaaa.
Heart-fabric was girls choice, Little B helped me with buttons.
This was super easy and quick project.
Palčki nam mala presenečenja in naloge obesijo na gumb in ko izpolnimo nalogo, obesimo ustrezno številko na gumb.
Prvi dan smo šivali oblačilca za igrače. Dekleti sta uživali.
Winter gnomes are coming every day (well night) and they are hanging little surprises and fun tasks on the buttons.
I love this tradition.
Day one was full of fabric scraps. We were sewing clothes for toys.
Tudi jaz sem šivala. Vse te krpice in ostanki blaga so me spodbudili k uresničevanju starih zamisli.
Naj vam bo toplo!
Keep warm!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
the little ornaments on buttons are such a fun idea! (and i have a little bearded gnome like yours!)
sending wishes from far, far away for a very blessed advent season.
warm thoughts and hugs from me to you and your family all the way from minnesota