Potovanje: zopet Anglija in domov

Škotsko smo zapustili na deževen dan...
kako primerno...
 in oddrveli proti jugu...


Oseba Helena sporoča …
Ob teh angleških in škotskih drobtinicah sem imela občutek, da sem z vami :)
Čudovite fotografije in zapisi, ki sežejo v globino.
Oseba Ann sporoča …
I so admire you for keeping your wonderful blog up to date Anja! Its so much easy to quickly post a photo on Instagram or facebook instead of making time to create a blog post. I neglect my blog dreadfully but cannot quite abandon it after all this time.

As always your photos are fabulous and a perfect record of your 2017 travels. I can see you had (or are having) a great time! xx
Oseba Anja sporoča …
Oh, I know... I have to force myself sometimes to seat infront of computer, select photos, write a post... but I can't imagine to abandon it. I like it. It's so much different than Instagram. It's bigger. It's my diary and I love going through my old posts. For me it's worth the time.
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Tudi jaz sem si napolnila dušo z lepim z vašimi dopustniškimi drobtinicami ...