Šipki, semena in ...

Že nekaj let se trudim s potovanj uvozit vrtnico... lansko leto sta vožnjo preživeli dve mladiki, nato sta obe preživeli tudi zimo in vroče poletje. Močno upam, da bosta drugo leto cveteli, ker sploh ne vem, kakšen cvet imata. Videla sem namreč le temno rdeče šipke.

V Belgiji sem se zaljubila v vrtnice z velikimi šipkastimi plodovi, vendar niti lansko leto niti letos ni preživela nobena vejica. Sem pa letos uspela najti nekaj zelo zrelih šipkov. Po zelo hitrem you tube izobraževanju imam sedaj izdelan načrt vzgoje rastline iz semena :o)
Držite pesti.

P.S. Če bi še katera rada poskusila srečo, imam semen kar nekaj in jih z veseljem delim.


Oseba Ann sporoča …
Hope your seeds germinate Anja - plenty there to get just one or two plants. I few years ago I planted some hazelnuts (cobnuts) that had been forgotten and germinated themselves. How they are two meters tall and have this year their second crop of nuts - hooray!

As always love your photos of summer travels. What beautiful places you have visited again this year. And it looks like there has been plenty of sunshine too. Sorry to see that horrible blister on the little one's leg - was it a jellyfish? I think there have been reports of many stings this year in the UK. xx