Nona / Grandmother

Nisem le jaz tista, ki se v naši družini posveča ustvarjanju. Pravzaprav je krog ustvarjalcev prijetno širok in raznolik. Danes bi vam rada pokazala velikonočni prtiček moje none. Vsak praznik nas preseneti z novim, skrbno izvezenim motivom.

I'm not the only crafty person in our family. There's a lot of us. Today I would like to share this embroidery with you. My grandmother made it . It was carefuly placed over the Easter basket ful of home baked goodies.


Oseba Amy sporoča …
that is just lovely! So nice to have such wonderful keepsakes! My great grandmother crocheted and quilted and the one each I have I just cherish becuase I know how much love she put into making it just for me!
Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
Some of my favorite tablelinens were made by my grandmothers and great grandmothers! Yours is very lovely!
Oseba Catherine sporoča …
A very nice keepsake~it's beautiful! I Love your quote about mothers on your side bar~fantastic, and so true!
A lovely blog you have!