Radovedne oči / Curious eyes

Ali niso sprehodi z majhnimi otroki zanimivi? Njihovim radovednim očem prav nič ne uide. Včasih se mi zdi, da si gospodična G najprej nekaj zamisli in potem ji vilinci njeno misel uresničijo ter čez pot steče majhen zajček, v vodi zamigetajo drobne ličinke in iz luknje v hrastovem deblu pogleda ptičja glavica. Gospodična G pa vriska, se smeji in teka sem ter tja ter izteguje ročice na vse strani. "Oči, mami, glejta!" Še gospodična N radovedno obrača glavico in se smeji svoji sestri.

Je sploh kaj lepšega?

Aren't walks with small kids amazing? There is nothing they don't spot with their little curious eyes. Sometimes I thought that Miss G first think of something and then fairies make her thought come true and there is a rabbit crossing our way, larvas are swimming it the pond and a small bird head peeps out of a small hole in a trunk. It's magic. Miss G is enthusiastic and delighted with everything and she keeps stretcing her hand and shouts with joy. Miss N is happy too and smiles at her sister all the time.

Is there something else that makes a parent happier?


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Če je kaj lepšega od tega...
Čakaj da razmislim...
ne, se ne domislim nič drugega.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Čudoviti deklici imata, Anja! Uživajte še naprej. Pozdravček iz Kamnika, Anžej in Mojca
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Sem koncno dojel, da lahko tut jst kej napisem! hehe
Sicer sem skor vsak dan gor na blogu, ampak da bi se pa se sam vkljucu v razpravo to pa ne. No zdej bo to mal drugac.
Sem si ze dal na desktop slikco, kjer Gaja kaze rozo navduseni Nezi. Res je huda slikca!
Ajde, se slismo.

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
You make it all look so lovely and easy! How nice it must be to have you as a mother! I wonder if you made the beautiful yellow sweater? They look so sweet together!
Oseba storyteller sporoča …
Res lepe fotke! :)
Se pridružujem mnenju prejšnjega komentarja - super mami si!
Oseba Lisa [strickerin] sporoča …
Such beautiful photos. It really is such a magical time of our lives with small children.