To je ... / This is...
To je... moj stil oblačenja.
This is... my favourite outfit that expresses my individual style.
Prvi del / Part one
Pralno in udobno je moj (trenutni) slogan. Največkrat me je mogoče videti v hlačah, majici in jopi, ki mi jo je spletla babi (ker je tukaj zeeelooo mrzlo). To je moj domači stil oblačenja, ki se popolno ujema z vlogo mamice.
Washable and comfortable is my slogan. Mostly I'm wearing trousers, vest and a jumper knited by my granny (it's verrrry cold here). This is my home style that goes with my role being a mommy.
Drugi del / Part two
Rada imam:
- tunike in oblekice oblečene čez kavbojke;
- čipke;
- oblačila bele in bež barve ter tople zemeljske tone;
- hipijevska oblačila;
- vzorce listov (Melissa si je pred kratkim sešila mega oblekco);
- modo šestdesetih in sedemdesetih.
- modo šestdesetih in sedemdesetih.
I love:
- smock dresses (over denim/ jeans trousers);
- clothes in white, beige, pastel colours and warm earth tones;
- laces;
Thank you Kitty for this week's This is... theme.
Hope you're doing well~
It's no secret that I LOVE reading your Blog ~ so I've nominated you for a Blogger Award on my Blog!!
Here's the link to see your Beautiful Award.
Bunny Blessings ~
You are so beautiful.