eye spy...
... ognjemet barv.
... a burst of color.

Gospodična G si lahko v trgovini vedno kaj izbere. Zadnje čase si izbira zobne ščetke. Kdo bi si mislil...
Miss G can choose something for herself in the store. Toothbrushes, who would have thought...

In kdo bi si mislil, da bom iz omare vzela stojalo le zato, da bom slikala zobne krtačke...
And who would have thought that I will take the camera stand out of the closet just to take the picture of toothbrushes...
Thank for the theme Flossy-P.... Catch more colour over at Bug and Pop.

Gospodična G si lahko v trgovini vedno kaj izbere. Zadnje čase si izbira zobne ščetke. Kdo bi si mislil...
Miss G can choose something for herself in the store. Toothbrushes, who would have thought...

In kdo bi si mislil, da bom iz omare vzela stojalo le zato, da bom slikala zobne krtačke...
And who would have thought that I will take the camera stand out of the closet just to take the picture of toothbrushes...
Thank for the theme Flossy-P.... Catch more colour over at Bug and Pop.