Ustvarjanje v šoli / Crafting in school
Že nekaj časa vam nisem pokazala ničesar, kar smo izdelali v šoli. To seveda ne pomeni, da nič ne delamo. O, ne. Po mojem mnenju se morajo otroci spoznati z najrazličnejšimi materiali in tudi likovni enkrat na teden je čisto premalo. Zato ustvarjamo kadar imamo čas take luštne manjše zadevice, ki nam vzamejo malo časa, pri likovnem pa se lotimo nečesa večjega. Danes smo se spopadli z slamo (in mrvo - za poznavalce). Dobesedno spopadli. Bilke so bile narezane in zato malce prekratke in smo se morali kar potruditi, da je tisto, kar je imelo nastati tudi res nastalo in obdržalo obliko. Smo se pa zabavali in razred je bil v trenutku tak kot veliko gnezdo :o)
It's been a while since I show you anything from school. We are busy busy and I have no time to pick up my camera. And sometimes I left it at home, of course. However, crafting is an important part of my school life. I belive that 1,5 hours per week is just not enough and that's why we do craft as often as we can. Some easy, short tasks every day and harder ones in art class on Friday. Kids need to get in touch with all kinds of material and learn how to be creative with everyday stuff. Today, we use hay and straws. It was fun and outr classroom looked like a big nest. It smell was so nice. What you see down here is a rabbit (with one ear). It was hard to work with hay, because it was cut and too short. The most importnat thing was, that no kid gave up. They all tried to do their best and I find all their creations lovely. I hope they won't fall apart during the night or in the near future. They should last till Friday (kids will take them all home).
Žal mi ni uspelo narediti niti ene pametne fotke. Tale zajček je še najboljši. Ušesa ima sicer zraščena skupaj, pa nič zato. Bom jutri poskusila narediti kakšno lepšo slikco in vam jo bom pokazala.
Tista pisana zadeva v ozadju pa je butarca, ki smo jih delali pa nekaj dni nazaj. So se fino zabavali z navijanjem pisanih koncev volne... urjenje motorike.

It's been a while since I show you anything from school. We are busy busy and I have no time to pick up my camera. And sometimes I left it at home, of course. However, crafting is an important part of my school life. I belive that 1,5 hours per week is just not enough and that's why we do craft as often as we can. Some easy, short tasks every day and harder ones in art class on Friday. Kids need to get in touch with all kinds of material and learn how to be creative with everyday stuff. Today, we use hay and straws. It was fun and outr classroom looked like a big nest. It smell was so nice. What you see down here is a rabbit (with one ear). It was hard to work with hay, because it was cut and too short. The most importnat thing was, that no kid gave up. They all tried to do their best and I find all their creations lovely. I hope they won't fall apart during the night or in the near future. They should last till Friday (kids will take them all home).

Tista pisana zadeva v ozadju pa je butarca, ki smo jih delali pa nekaj dni nazaj. So se fino zabavali z navijanjem pisanih koncev volne... urjenje motorike.
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Še bolj luštkani kot naši slamkoti pa so palčki it prvega razreda. Podlago sta učiteljici naredili iz blaga (karton sta oblekli v rjuho, ki so jo toroci nato pobarvali, narisali gozd... Palčki so narejeni iz das mase in pobarvani ter prilepljeni v gozd. Meni se zdi neskončno luštno in lepo in prijetno in sploh sembila tako navdušena, da sem zadevo poslikala z vseh kotov.
And I want to show you something else too. The nicest, cutest thing ever. Kids form first grade made it (6-7 years old). It's a wood with fairy tale gnomes. Teachers put a white sheet on the cardboard and kids paint it. Gnomers are made from air-dry clay. They are painted with watercolours and glued on the sheet.
I was so charmed that I just had to take some pictures.
Še bolj luštkani kot naši slamkoti pa so palčki it prvega razreda. Podlago sta učiteljici naredili iz blaga (karton sta oblekli v rjuho, ki so jo toroci nato pobarvali, narisali gozd... Palčki so narejeni iz das mase in pobarvani ter prilepljeni v gozd. Meni se zdi neskončno luštno in lepo in prijetno in sploh sembila tako navdušena, da sem zadevo poslikala z vseh kotov.
And I want to show you something else too. The nicest, cutest thing ever. Kids form first grade made it (6-7 years old). It's a wood with fairy tale gnomes. Teachers put a white sheet on the cardboard and kids paint it. Gnomers are made from air-dry clay. They are painted with watercolours and glued on the sheet.
I was so charmed that I just had to take some pictures.

lp m.