Ena ura / One hour

Pravkar sem prišla domov iz službe.
Čez eno uro moram v vrtec po gospodični.
Eno uro časa imam.

I just got home from work.
In a hour I have to go to pick up my girls.
I've got one hour.

Na mizi stoji šopek tulipanov. Žiga mi jih je prinesel nekaj dni nazaj.
Danes jih je osvetlilo sonce.
Z dekleti bomo vzele sanke in odšle na sprehod do bližnjega hriba.

There is a lovely bunch of tulips on our desk.
Žiga brought them to me few days ago.
Sun is playing with them today.
I'll take sleigh and took my girls to the nearest hill.


Ampak še prej pa si bom spočila oči na ljubkem kostumu, ki ga šivam ga gospodično N. Malo sem si poenostavila in sem za osnovo vzela rdeč bombažen puli ter nanj prišila krilo z vsemi podkrili.

But before I go, I need to rest my eyes on this lovely dress. I'm making a costume for Miss N.
I simplify the work by taking her shirt and sew the skirt on it.

Lepo sredo vam želim in čim manj bodic.

Have a lovely Wednesday with no spikes.


Oseba K sporoča …
Velja samo sonček, če zbada v oči, ne? Ker vse drugo tako lepo poboža ...
Oseba ArtSparker sporoča …
There are many masts on that brave little boat.
Oseba Anja sporoča …
When they are turned with points down it's OK, but lately I get too many tiny stabs in my fingers and soul. Peace is what I wish for and hope this little ship will take there.
Oseba elizabeth sporoča …
oh! the sun!
and the tulips!
and the anticipation of going sledding!
and a new costume!
those things all sound lovley!

wishing you peace in your soul and your days.

Oseba Creatissimo sporoča …
Iiii, kako lepe barve! Anja, upam, da te sonce in tvoje malčice obvarujejo pred še kakšno bodico! Vse dobro ti želim!
Oseba dekca sporoča …
Draga Anja, čudovit kostumček, komaj čakam, da ga pokažeš v celoti!! Upam, da špikanje ne bo pustilo trajnih brazgotin, predvsem pa, da je že minilo. Pozdravček iz srca,
Oseba Ravenhill sporoča …
Dear friend, thank you so much for your warm wishes today on my blog! I am so happy to visit your pretty space here, it is just bursting with joyous cheer! The tulips are a deligthful promise of spring coming. My children planted many tulips last fall and are already looking forward to their blooming. I love the bright and colorful look of the costume you are making! Please show more! :)
~Emily xoxo