Ta objava govori o tem... / This post is about...
... kako spremeniti konjička v samoroga in vmes speči pecivo...
... how to change a pony into a unicorn and bake a cake at the same time...
... how to change a pony into a unicorn and bake a cake at the same time...

Po tem, ko ste dali v pečico testo, si izberite primerno žrtev. Na primer ponija, ki doživlaj nemalo krivic in to le zato, ker nima roga.
Put the dough into the oven and choose a appropriate victim. A pony which life is ful of injustice just because he misses a horn.

Nakvačkaj mali rogec in ga prišij na čelo žtrve. Izdelek daj v oceno.
"Videti je kot nosorog. Rog mora biti višje, mami."
Crochet a little horn and sew it on a victim's forehead. Show to judges.
"Looks like a rhinoceros. The horn should be higher."

Ponovi postopek (brez kvačkanja roga, seveda).
"Tako ja. Hvala mami."
Repeat the procedure (without the crocheting).
"That's right. Thanks mum."

LP Dekca