Dobrodošlica Oktobru / Welcoming October
Včeraj smo šli na sprehod v gozd. Čudovito je bilo. Oktobru smo med koreninami drevesa je nona z gospodičnama pripravila presenečenje - gobice, lepe kamenčke, cvetlice in mehko posteljo iz listja.
Danes smo se vrnili... in slišali Oktober, ki nam je šumel tiho zahvalo ter posul tla z najdebelejšimi kostanji v gozdu.
We went to the forest yesterday. My dear Nana and the girls made a little surprise for dear October among the treeroots - mushrooms, lovely stones, flowers and soft leaves to rest his head.
We got back today and October was rustling a gentle thankyou to us and sprinkled the ground with big, sweet chestnuts.