Pisateljeva rojstna hiša
8. februarja nam je cilj kulturne poti določila Gospodična N.
Običajno gremo vedno v kakšnega od ljubljanskih muzejev. Prirodoslovni je še posebno priljubljen pri mlajših članih, zato je bila Vrba slišati kot prijetna sprememba :o)
Prešernove rojstne hiše že leta nisem obiskala in prav vesela sem bila, da zopet stopam po znanih sobicah.
Iz Vrbe nas je pot vodila do Finžgarjeve rojstne hiše, ki me je pa resnično očarala. Še en dokaz, kako malo poznam to našo ljubo Slovenijo in koliko biserčkov skriva. En tak biserček je bila tudi kustosinja, ki nas je vodila po hiši in nam pripovedovala izredno zanimive zgodbe, nam kazala in opisovala različne predmete in bila izredno potrpežljiva z otroki. Zagotovo smo hiško tako srčno doživeli ravno zaradi nje.
8th of February is The Prešeren Day, the full name being Prešeren Day, the Slovene Cultural Holiday.
On that thay all the museum have free entries and it really is a special day for us. We usually go to the Museum of Natural History. Kids love it. But this year Miss N had a different idea. She wanted us to see Prešeren's birthplace. It was a really unique request and we were happy to grant her wish.
The kids were impressed by the tiny cottage, the black kitchen and small beds. Each of them got a card of the cottage to collect stamps of a Writer's walk (there are four birthplaces of important Slovene writers just few kilometers apart). Well, we didn't do the walking, but we did visit a birthplace of Fran Saleški Finžgar. All photos are from his home. I loved it! It was lovely, cosy, friendly and the curator was just the friendliest person ever. She told us tons of stories about the house and she let the kids explore around.
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