Moj ustvarjalni kotiček / My creative space

Končno se spet nekaj dogaja tam notri... nekaj velikega... nekaj, kar bo letelo čez ocean, na drugi konec sveta... jupiiiii!
Lahko vam povem, da je ustvarjalni kotiček v razsulu, da sem komaj našla kot slikanja, ki je bil brez kaosa v ozadju in da se imam super.

Finally is something going on in there again... something that is going to flew over the ocean, to the other side of the world... yay!
I'm having fun, the room is a total disaster and it was a big challenge to find an angle for taking picture that does not show the chaos in the background.

More creative spaces here.


Oseba Kirsty sporoča …
Creative image framing...I love it (& know it well).
Oseba Lola Nova sporoča …
Looks very interesting, good colors!
Oseba Melanie sporoča …
I am often angling my photos too:) love the color, nice and vibrant!