Tukaj in zdaj
Ljubim// vrt... cvetove, ptice, zelenje...tu najdem mir
Jem// čorbe, ki se kuhajo same
Pijem// pomladni čaj z limono
Čutim// utrujenost, ki je podobna brnenju v telesu in je posledica prenatrpanosti delovnih dni
Ustvarjam// iz papirja, blaga, lesa, volne... zunaj če se le da
Razmišljam//kako čimbolje izkoristiti dan...in potem spet, da ni nič narobe dan prelenariti
Sanjam// o jutrih brez budilke
Berem// čudovito knjigo Prebujenje gospodične Prim
Loving // our garden...flowers and birds in it...it's my little green haven
Eating // vegetable soups that cook without my attention
Drinking // spring tea with lemon
Feeling // tiredness that feels like a constant humming in my body...I guess that comes from too busy schedule
Drinking // spring tea with lemon
Feeling // tiredness that feels like a constant humming in my body...I guess that comes from too busy schedule
Making // allsorts from paper, fabric, wood, wool... in the garden if possible
Thinking // how to get the best out of my days
Dreaming // about mornings without alarmclock
Dreaming // about mornings without alarmclock
Reading// great book The Awakening of Miss Prim
Joining Sarah at Say, Little Hen
Pa tudi utrujenost čutim, včasih se mi zdi, da je vseskupaj neverending story, Sizifovo delo... ampak potem sem pozorna na drobne stvari in pride vikend, prazniki, dopust in spet je vse lepše
Mislim, da si bom kupila svoj izvod in ga postavila moje naj knjige.
It sounds like you are very busy, I hope you found some rest time over the Easter weekend.
Thank-you so much for joining in!
Sarah x