Pomlad je v zraku / Spring is in the air

Variacija na temo pesmi John-a Paul-a Young-a se mi zdi prav posrečena...in še kako primerna za prečudovito nedeljsko vreme. Obiskali smo bližnji park in UŽIVALI v barvah, oblikah in vonju tisočerih cvetov.
Če niste vedeli, želve so se že zbudile!

Thank you, John Paul Young for the inspiration on the title. It seems appropriate and it fits perfectly to beautiful Sunday. We went to park and enjoyed in colours, shapes and scent of flowers. In case you didn't know, terrapins (is this the right word??? I allways say 'turtle'.) are awake!

Obljubim, da bo naslednja objava popolnoma posvečena ustvarjanju.
My next post will be all about craft, I promise.
