Torbe... / Bags...

Preizkušam različne načine izdelave. Zabavno!

I'm testing different ways of sewing my bags. Fun!

Katera vam je najbolj všeč? Meni se zdi najbolj simpatična in prisrčna tista z rumeno sovico.
Which one is your favourite? Mine is the one with yellow owl.


Oseba Amy sporoča …
The second one! Ohhhhh but then their is the blue owl! Love them! so cute!
Oseba Jen Glover sporoča …
BEAUTIFUL!!! I like the owl, but Love the bag with the bow on it! :)
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
LOVE all of your Bags ~ but I guess my favorite is the blue one with the owl.

Take care ~ Mon Ami!!

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
I adore the owl!!!
Oseba Mel @ Skye Rocket Sews sporoča …
Oh,my! Love the bow bag!
Oseba A Spoonful Of Sugar sporoča …
Love your bags - especially the one with the owl!