Miss Potter

Včeraj sva imela z Žigom filmski večer. Ogledala sva si film, ki ga morate videti! Umetnost, Ljubezen, Družina in Narava združeno v čudovit film Miss Potter. Rene Zellweger je enkratna in Ewan McGregor... :o) Da ne govorim o posnetkih Lake Districta! In o drobnem ter neskončno ljubkem detajlu filma, ko mali narisani junaki oživijo in se Beatrix z njimi pogovarja in jih ošteva zaradi navihanosti. Neskončno simpatično in obenem tako resnično. Mali junaki so namreč za avtorja živa bitjeca in brez njegove ljubezni ne morejo živeti.

Žiga and I had a movie evening yesterday. An English movie, of course, the one you absolutely must see! Miss Potter! Art, Love, Family and Nature all combine into a wonderful movie wih great actors. Renee Zellweger does a fantastic job as Beatrix Potter, fitting perfectly into picturesque Victorian England. And Ewan McGregor... :o)
Oh, and I love when her her paintings become animated under her caress and jump around on the page, causing Beatrix to scold and cajole them. So lovely and exactly what artists must do... enter the lives of their characters.

Kako si človek ne bi zaželel nazaj v Lake District? Tako rada bi si še enkrat ogledala Hill Top. Morda bomo pa res šli...
Oh , I so want to go back to Lake District! I Would love to see Hill Top again. Who knows, it's not so far away afterall...

Več o Beatrix Potter najdete tukaj.
More about Beatrix Potter... here.


Oseba storyteller sporoča …
Jaz svojega že nekja časa prepričujem, da bi si pogledala ta film. Saj posnetega imava že.

(PS: Si dobila moj mail?)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
V Lake D. je tudi kemp, ker otroci nagajajo celo noč, hihi.
LP mami
Oseba Amy sporoča …
Oh yes it is such a lovely movie. We really enjoyed it too.