Praznovanje / A lot to celebrate

Krst ljubke dojenčice. / Christening of a sweet little baby.

Otročiček nam vrne svet,
ki smo ga izgubili-svet čudes.
Lepoto cveta.
Lesket plamena. Metulja.
List. Ptico.
Ustvarjeno na novo.
Vidimo jih skozi oči nedolžnosti.
...otroško veselje postane naše.

A child gave us back the world we lost
- a world of magic.
Beauty of a flower.
Light of a fire. Butterfly.
A leaf. A bird.
We see all that through the
innocent eyes of a child
... and his joy became our joy...
(This is probably the worst translation ever. Sorry for that.)

Oblekica, ki sem jo sešila za malo krščenko. Tudi obešalnik je moje delo. Med risanjem sem pomislila, da bi bilo fino, če bi naredila enega še zase... moj je bil natančno pet ur, nato pa je odšel v nov dom.
/ I made her this tiny dress. And a hanger, with ladybirds and clovers. I made one for myself also, but it was mine for five hours. I really need to work on keeping something for myself.

Nazdravili smo tudi dvema novima doktorjema. Čestitke!!! / We made a toast for two new doctors in our family. Well done, guys!!!

In naj ne mine dan brez močnih jesenskih barv. / I can't let the day pass without some strong autumn colours.

Upam, da ste imeli lep vikend. Vesel začetek novega delovnega tedna vam želim. / I hope you all had a nice weekend. Have a great week amoung friendly people.


Oseba dekca sporoča …
Lepa pesem, luštna oblekica zafletno krščenko, pa čestitke kolegoma :)

LP, Dekca
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Zlata ladja k nam prihaja,
iz neznanega je kraja.
Kakor v sanjah mimo pluje,
koga vozi,kam potuje?
K. Kovič

lp m.