To je... / This is...
Glede tišine doma sem imela prav. Gospodična G je odšla z očkom na prvi letošnji vrtčevski pohod. Jaz sem se odločila, da ostanem doma in poskušam priti na zeleno vejo z rečmi, ki bi morale biti že davno narejene. Pisanje te objave ni ravno na vrhu seznama, pa nič zato. Ko gospodična N zaspi že kar avtomatično priklikam na svoj blog. Poleg tega imam odlično temo za pisanje, ki jo je predlagala MissK.
I was right about the silence. Yay. Miss G went on a walking trip with her nursery class and her daddy. I decided to stay at home and try to swim out of this swamp of unfinished projects. It is really bothering me. Well, writing this post is not at the top of the list, but MissK gave us such a lovely theme for this week and I just had to post it. Besides, Miss N is sleeping and it feels I have all the time in the world.
To je moj trenutni bralni nabor.I was right about the silence. Yay. Miss G went on a walking trip with her nursery class and her daddy. I decided to stay at home and try to swim out of this swamp of unfinished projects. It is really bothering me. Well, writing this post is not at the top of the list, but MissK gave us such a lovely theme for this week and I just had to post it. Besides, Miss N is sleeping and it feels I have all the time in the world.
This is my current reading material.

Veliko študijske literature in na vrhu kraljuje moje večerno branje: Khaled Hosseini - Tisoč veličastnih sonc.
Nepreštevne so lune,
ki migetajo na stehah Kabula,
in tisoč veličastnih sonc,
skritih za mestnimi zidovi.
A lot of study literature and my bed reading: Khaled Hosseini - A Thousand Splendid Suns.
Oh, Miss N is up. Bye, bye.
lp m.