Marčevske misli * 22 / March thoughts * 22

Ko sem ob potoku nabirala kamenčke in paličice, sem bila prepričana, da jih bom doma položila na polico in bo to to. No še prej, bi jih seveda slikala. A ravno to, ko sem kamenčke položila na prtiček in jih slikala, je pritegnilo pozornost mojih malih dam. 
Najbolj zabavne so spontane aktivnosti!

When I was collecting stones and branches by the brook I never thought that they would bring so much fun into our evening. I just wanted to put them on the shelf. But, when I was taking pictures of them, my girls came closer and oh, what fun we had.  
 Spontaneous activities are the best!


Oseba Amy sporoča …
Is that a mouse I see? How clever!
Oseba Anja sporoča …
Yes, isn't it cute!
I was really amazed by all the figures she has put together.
Oseba ArtSparker sporoča …
Bringing to mind Jan Svankmajer's "A Game of Stones" in his collection of short films.
Oseba Creatissimo sporoča …
Neverjetne stvaritve! Res spontano, razigrano! :)
Oseba K sporoča …
Glavno je, da domišljija dela, drugo pride samo od sebe :)
Oseba McCrafty /Klavdija sporoča …
iii kakšna super račka!
Oseba Ravenhill sporoča …
how marvelously inventive. I adore this way to play with nature creatively and together...