Marčevske misli * 7 / March thoughts * 7

Včasih začutim silno željo, da bi nekaj sešila. takrat stopim v svojo vedno razmetano sobo in si položim v naročje kup revij. Iščem, kaj bi. Potem se ozrem naokoli in zagledam kup nedokončanih projektov... in ugotovim, da je veliko bolj pametno, da dokončam katerega od teh...
Na zgornjih slikah je tunika, ki jo imam zelo rada, je pa mega občutljiva in se zanke mimogrede snamejo. Redno vzdrževanje je tako nujno :o)
Sometimes I get the urge to sew something. At those moment I go to my studio and start browsing through magazines not really sure what to sew... my eyes wander around and what I see is a pile of unfinished project... so anoying... but I must say it's much smarter and safer to finish one of those than to start a new one...
On pictures above is a tunic... the best crochet tunic ever. But it is very fragile and it needs a regular surveys :o)
Na zgornjih slikah je tunika, ki jo imam zelo rada, je pa mega občutljiva in se zanke mimogrede snamejo. Redno vzdrževanje je tako nujno :o)
Sometimes I get the urge to sew something. At those moment I go to my studio and start browsing through magazines not really sure what to sew... my eyes wander around and what I see is a pile of unfinished project... so anoying... but I must say it's much smarter and safer to finish one of those than to start a new one...
On pictures above is a tunic... the best crochet tunic ever. But it is very fragile and it needs a regular surveys :o)