Vrnila se je / She is back

Pomlad namreč :o) Sedaj je ne izpustimo več. Pomladnih rojstnih dnevov namreč ne moremo praznovati na sankah.

Spring I mean :o) No way we are letting her go again. Spring birthday's can not be celebrated on skis.

Marabela na vrtu je oživela - okoli nje se širi čudovit vonj in energično brenčanje čebel. Človek bi kar stal pod njo in užival. Kako bi lahko tako lep dan preživotarila pred knjigo? Tako ali tako se mi študij nikamor ne premakne.

Cherry plum on our garden came alive. There's a wonderful smell around it and there is so many bees that the air is buzzing. How could I spent the day indoors studying? Impossible. I'm stuck anyway so one day won't matter.

Na srečo gospodična N potrpežljivo sodeluje pri mojih domislicah.
Miss N is still willing to ccoperate in my crazy ideas.

Gospodična G, navihanka, da ji ni para.
Miss G, the little villain.
Ampak riše pa lepo. Tole risbico je narisala za deda, ki je danes praznoval rojstni dan. Vse najboljše, oči!
But she can draw. This beautiful picture is for her grandads birthday (today). Happy birthday, dad!


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
miss n is adorable in the basket!!!
Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
I think your baby in the basket is adorable! And your other daughter is too precious for words! Her drawing is beautiful!

(Just wanted you to know I still await the mobile... I will let you know as soon as it arrives. Perhaps it is held up in customs, which often happens.)

Happy Spring!
Oseba Amy sporoča …
Oh Happy Spring! It has been raining here for a while, and I am just ready for the skies to open and flowers to bloom!