Zmagovalki sta... / The winners are...
Čez nekaj trenutkov bo razkrita velika skrivnost. Žrebanje je potekalo tik pred spanjem. Prej nam ni uspelo. Nič zato. Ste imeli še nekaj dodatnih ur za sodelovanje.
Torej, rezultati...
... gospodična N je izžrebala Jayne. Zimska ptica bo odletela na Florido.
... gospodična G pa je poslala Taščico k Heather v Novo Anglijo.
Čestitke izrebankama in lep vikend vsem!
Friday is here. Are you curious? Here we go...
... Miss N selected Jayne and Miss G send Robin to Heather.
Congratulations to both!
Birds are allready fluttering in delight. They will be soon on their way.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Torej, rezultati...
... gospodična N je izžrebala Jayne. Zimska ptica bo odletela na Florido.
... gospodična G pa je poslala Taščico k Heather v Novo Anglijo.
Čestitke izrebankama in lep vikend vsem!
Friday is here. Are you curious? Here we go...
... Miss N selected Jayne and Miss G send Robin to Heather.
Congratulations to both!
Birds are allready fluttering in delight. They will be soon on their way.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thank you for entering my giveaway! I'm sorry that you did not win, but it led me to visiting your lovely blog, so that is a good thing!!
Best wishes to you,
lp mami