Želje / Wishes
Rada bi vam pokazala simpatično idejo, ki je primerna tako za razred kot dom. Jaz sem jo najprej izvedla v šoli. Otroci so paličice povezali skupaj vtrikotnike ali štirikotnike. Jaz sem jih še dodatno trdno povezala. Lesene obeske smo obesili na vrv, ki jo imamo napeljano pod stropom. Nato je vsak otrok napisal na trak papirja željo in smo jo privezali k njegovemu obesku. Ideja se mi zdi zelo simpatična, želje pa od splošno priljubljenih (da bi bili vsi ljudje veseli) do zabavnih (da bi imeli vsi vedno dovolj čaja).
I would like to show you our Friday school project. The kids fasted together sticks. We used red wool, because I like red and I think that it looks good with natural wood. I harded every knot. Then we hang our ornaments on a rope that goes from one corner of the classroom to the other. After that every kid wrote his wish on a piece of paper. We attach wishes on the ornaments.
I really like the idea. And this wish is one of my favorite: I wish that people would always have enough tea. (And we don't even live in England!)
In ko že govorim o željah. Moja želja je, da bi se gospodični N rokica čim hitreje pozdravila. V soboto se je namreč grozljivo grdo opekla na vratih krušne peči. Nastal ji je ogromen mehur in božica je cel večer prejokala. Danes je že veliko bolje. Ker se ne more plaziti se premika po zadnjici. Rokico drži v zraku in je zelo previdna pri vsem kar počne. Božica.
I have a wish as well. I wish that Miss N's hand would heal as fast as possible. She burn it really badly on a stove. She has a big blister. It looks awful. She is really careful with her hand and since she can't crawl, she moves around on her bottom. She is such a brave girl.
In želim si, da bi bila tale mala bitjeca končana pravočasno za sejem v vrtcu gospodične G.
And I wish that this little creatures will be really to go on a craft fair in Miss G's nursery school.
I would like to show you our Friday school project. The kids fasted together sticks. We used red wool, because I like red and I think that it looks good with natural wood. I harded every knot. Then we hang our ornaments on a rope that goes from one corner of the classroom to the other. After that every kid wrote his wish on a piece of paper. We attach wishes on the ornaments.
I really like the idea. And this wish is one of my favorite: I wish that people would always have enough tea. (And we don't even live in England!)
In ko že govorim o željah. Moja želja je, da bi se gospodični N rokica čim hitreje pozdravila. V soboto se je namreč grozljivo grdo opekla na vratih krušne peči. Nastal ji je ogromen mehur in božica je cel večer prejokala. Danes je že veliko bolje. Ker se ne more plaziti se premika po zadnjici. Rokico drži v zraku in je zelo previdna pri vsem kar počne. Božica.
I have a wish as well. I wish that Miss N's hand would heal as fast as possible. She burn it really badly on a stove. She has a big blister. It looks awful. She is really careful with her hand and since she can't crawl, she moves around on her bottom. She is such a brave girl.
In želim si, da bi bila tale mala bitjeca končana pravočasno za sejem v vrtcu gospodične G.
And I wish that this little creatures will be really to go on a craft fair in Miss G's nursery school.
I hope she is better soon.
Upam, da je rokica že boljša :)
Zdravje za ročico.