Ko ostaneš brez besed / I'm overwhelmed
Nekoč je bilo darilo. Njegova vsebina je bila s srcem izbrana in z ljubeznijo zavita. Ko ga je poštar prijel v roko, je začutil toplino. Toplino prijateljstva in njegov korak je postal poskočnejši. Radovedno ga je odnesel na zapisan naslov. "Le komu je namenjeno?" se je spraševal, ko je pozvonil na vrata. Še pes, ki se ponavadi jezno oglasi na drugi strani ograje, je bil tokrat tiho.
Vrata so se odprla in...
...pojavila sem se jaz.
Darilo je bilo namenjeno meni.
Ob odpiranju so se v meni mešala različna čustva in ja, celo nekaj solz sem potočila, tako sem bila ganjena nad pozronostjo in ljubeznivostjo pošiljateljice.
Once upon a time there was a gift. It's contest was carefuly choosen and wraped wih love. When a postman layed his hands on the parcel he felt the warmth. His step become lighter. He was curious who the addressee is. He rang the bell and waited. The dog that normaly barks was quiet.
The door opened...
and there was me.
The gift was for me.
While opening it today I felt so blessed, so happy and overwhelmed with emotions. I even cry a little. Everythink was so perfect ,with sweet note for each little bag with surprise in it.
Vrata so se odprla in...
...pojavila sem se jaz.
Darilo je bilo namenjeno meni.
Ob odpiranju so se v meni mešala različna čustva in ja, celo nekaj solz sem potočila, tako sem bila ganjena nad pozronostjo in ljubeznivostjo pošiljateljice.
Once upon a time there was a gift. It's contest was carefuly choosen and wraped wih love. When a postman layed his hands on the parcel he felt the warmth. His step become lighter. He was curious who the addressee is. He rang the bell and waited. The dog that normaly barks was quiet.
The door opened...
and there was me.
The gift was for me.
While opening it today I felt so blessed, so happy and overwhelmed with emotions. I even cry a little. Everythink was so perfect ,with sweet note for each little bag with surprise in it.
Vse je bilo še posebej zavito v vrečke ter opremljeno s prijaznim sporočilcem. / Everythink was seperately wrapped in paper bags.
Gospodična N mi je pomagala kukati v vreče. (Ta pikapolonica ima nakvačkano oblekico, v notranjosti pa polovico orehove lupine.)
Miss N helped me. (This lovely ladybird has crochet body stretched over one half of walnut.)
Gospodična N mi je pomagala kukati v vreče. (Ta pikapolonica ima nakvačkano oblekico, v notranjosti pa polovico orehove lupine.)
Miss N helped me. (This lovely ladybird has crochet body stretched over one half of walnut.)
Ali je možno, da se v trenutku ne zaljubiš v te palčke. Mamica z dvema otročkoma. V ozadju vidite silhueti dveh palčkov iz čebeljega voska. In še več se je skrivalo v darilu, venadr naj ostane skrivnost. Skrivnost, ki ogreje dušo.
How could you not fall in love into this little gnomes. Mother with two babies. At the back you can see two nomes made from bee wax. And there was even more inside the gift, but I will let it remain a secret.
How could you not fall in love into this little gnomes. Mother with two babies. At the back you can see two nomes made from bee wax. And there was even more inside the gift, but I will let it remain a secret.
happy christmas wishes to you!
love, elizabeth and madelaine