One World, One Heart

Leto je naokoli in zopet je napočil čas za veliko obdaritev. Lansko leto me je ta dogodek nekako izstrelil v svet blogarjev. Spoznala sem mnogo čudovitih ljudi, odkrila kup krasnih blogov.

Lisa nas je tudi letos pozvala k veliki obdaritvi. Spisek sodelujočih se veča, darilca so čudovita. Čutite napetost, vznemirjenje? Nujno obiščite glavno stran dogodka, kamor pridete, če kliknete na logo.

Torej, od 19. januarja do 11. februarja imate čas da pustite komentar na to objavo. Takoj za tem dejanjem, pa se podajte v raziskovanje vseh sodelujočih blogov. Naj se vam nasmehne sreča!

Kaj podarjam jaz? Ljubka žužka, ki sta včeraj prilezla iz domišljijskega ovoja. Zadevo sem si zamislila takole. 11. februarja bom vse komentarje razdelila na pol. V vsaki polovici bom izžrebala enega srečneža oz. srečnico.Torej, žužka bosta potovala na dva naslova. Sedaj pa veselo kometiranje.

This great event has come around again - One World One Heart is hosted by Lisa. It is a world wide giveaway witha chance to meet and visit blogs from all over the world.

It starts today, 19 January and ends on the 11th February when the winners will be choosen at random. Click the logo if you want to know more about the event.

My giveaway is open to everyone worldwide. Just leave a comment oh this post.

I am really looking forward to this and meeting all you lovely bloggers out there!

Here is what I am giving away - cute little bugs. Yes, they are really thirsty little creatures so they love to hang on a ful glass. This is what I'm going to do. On 11th of February I'm going to divide all the comments on half and choose two winners - one from every half. Does that makes any sense?


Oseba Biljana sporoča …
oooooooooo, žužka sta krasna...tudi takšne in drugačne akcije obdarovanja so super. Prav lepo je nekoga razveselit.
Oseba Urškin Raj sporoča …
cukra majhna :)))

aja, na mojem blogu te čaka majhna nagradica :))
Oseba Latharia sporoča …
Your little bugs are too cute!!! I would love to have my name added into your drawing! Please visit my blog to see my giveaway, too!

latharia at comcast dot net
Oseba Janet sporoča …
Your bugs are adorable! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.
Oseba nikki/WhiMSy love sporoča …
These are the cutest little creatures EVERS!
(I'm also part of OWOH!)
Oseba PolonaP sporoča …
ahh... helo,
jaz sicer nimam gifta za te, so mi pa simpatični tvoji žužki, še bolj pa mi je všeč tvoj blog.
sem čist overexcited, da sem našla še nek fin crafty mama blog...

če boš imela čas, me obišči
pa lep pozdrav in dobro blogaj naprej
Oseba Amy sporoča …
what cute little bugs! I think My Zoe bug would really enjoy this!
Oseba Linda Summerfield sporoča …
Very cute and colorful bugs. Are they thirsty?
Oseba Veleta (Sammy) sporoča …
these are so darn cute!
Oseba Tina Leavy sporoča …
how fun. would love to be entered in the drawing. stop by and visit me too.
Oseba bluemuf sporoča …
These little guys are so sweet.

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.

Oseba Bella Modiste sporoča …
CUTE!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste
Oseba Melanie @ Whimsical Creations sporoča …
Those are too cute! Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Thanks for visiting my blog and entering. Please include me in your drawing!
Oseba sporoča …
They are so cute! Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~
Oseba Joanne Huffman sporoča …
adorable! Please enter me in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing

Oseba Diane sporoča …
Cute little thirsty bugs! Please add me!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Very cute!
Oseba Deirdra Doan sporoča …
Such little cutie!! I love your happy art and glimpses of your wonderful country...blessings,Deirdra
Oseba John H sporoča …
very cute
Thanks for visiting our blog.
Please add us to your draw.
Oseba McCrafty /Klavdija sporoča …
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kaj sta kjut >:)
Oseba Patti G. sporoča …
What sweet little drink bugs! :0)
Count me in!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
I love your thirsty bugs! I would be honored to own one, so please do add my name to your drawing.
If you haven't already done so, please enter my drawing too!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Cute, really cute.

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
your bugs are so cute

please enter me in your drawing
and if you get a chance stop by mine at

This is my first year doing OWOH

carolyn h
Oseba Bibi sporoča …
These are very cute. Please enter me. I'm at, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then
Oseba Miri sporoča …
Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri
Oseba GraceBeading sporoča …
Oh, these are SO sweet! Please add my name to your drawing and if you haven't been to see me, please do. I'm participant #19 and am giving away a couple of beaded pins
Oseba Mel sporoča …
Very cute! Please put my name in your drawing, they would love to live in my home!
Oseba Robin sporoča …
what adorable little bugs!!
Please enter me in your giveaway and come join in on mine if you get a chance!
Oseba Mimi Head sporoča …
Cute bugs! I love meeting people from around the world! Please enter me in your give away and stop by my blog to do the same. Yours, Emily
Oseba sewfunky sporoča …
Very cute...

Please enter me in the draw to win... And don't forget to take a look at my giveaway too! :)
Oseba Brook sporoča …
hahaah thos things are so funny and cute!
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
those are so cute! i LOVE your little bugs!

and i've been gone - so i must read all that i have missed on your lovely blog!
Oseba Leslie sporoča …
How adorable! Please include me in your drawing, Leslie
Oseba Kitty G sporoča …
How very adorable are your critters. Thanks for the chance to win
Oseba carylsrealm sporoča …
Oh these are just fabulous! Please enter me! And if you haven't please visit my giveaway!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Those little bugs are sweet!

Thanks bunches for visiting my blog. Come back anytime!

Jo :)
Oseba EADotCom sporoča …
This is fun... your giveaways are fun too. Please add me to your draw. Please feel free to visit my site
Oseba Tumble Fish Studio sporoča …
Hello! It is so nice to meet you and your blog! It is lovely. And your giveaway is just as cute as can be! Hope you can visit me too.
Oseba LW sporoča …

Please add my name...

Thank you,
Oseba Glassgrrl Studios sporoča …
Sweet, sweet tiny bugs!

Visit me to sign up for my giveaway too.
Oseba ~*~Patty S sporoča …
Hello ~ Please include my name for a chance to be a winner of one of your precious bugs.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122
Oseba SpiritMama sporoča …
Thank you for including me in your drawing!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
Oseba Sarah sporoča …
Hi! You have a lovely blog and have made lovely bugs! Thanks for visiting me and nice to meet you. I will be back again soon.
Sarah :)
Oseba Ann sporoča …
These are SO cute! Please enter me in your giveaway, and if you haven't done so already, please stop by and enter mine, too! ;)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Very cute bugs! Please enter me in the drawing and thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!
Oseba trisha too sporoča …

(I really hope that was correct!)

Very cute bugs!


please come visit my owoh at
Oseba Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka sporoča …
Thank you for participating in this years event. I am so glad to see bloggers join in from other countries.
Your little bugs are very cute and would be cute hanging on a candle holder too.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH Host/participant
Oseba Lisa W. sporoča …
Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)
Oseba PattiV sporoča …
What a lovely giveaway. I'd love to be entered in your drawing and please stop by and enter mine.
Oseba The Giveaway Diva sporoča …
oh ow wsooo amazing!! i'd love to be entered! thanks so much!!
Oseba Nino's Mum sporoča …
Such a cute giveaway!

Please count me in, thanks!
Oseba ~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ sporoča …
So cute! Count me in and stop at my blog for mu giveaway. Thanks!
Oseba Gerry sporoča …
Oh, they are too cute!

Please count me in. And if you haven't already, please stop by my blog and enter my give away - I'm #98 on the Gypsy Caravan.
Oseba Malissa sporoča …
I love your bugs! Very creative!
Oseba Monique Kleinhans sporoča …
These make me smile!!! I love them (and they can come and hang out on my glass anytime!)

Thanks for entering my name in your drawing!

Isn't One World One Heart fun!!?!
(number 94 on Lisa's List)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Oh I love the bugs!! Please do count me in. :)

Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!
Oseba Sophie sporoča …
Cute bugs! Sign me up.
Oseba Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn sporoča …
How sweet! Add me also please!
Oseba Sanja sporoča …
lijepa nagrada!:-)
Count me in!
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Very cute bugs! thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com
Oseba Kit sporoča …
How darling! Please enter my name ansd come by my blog and enter my giveaway too. Thank you. Kathy
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Your little bugs would make my granddaughters grin! Please enter my name. Stop by and enter my drawing if you have time.
Oseba Mary sporoča …
These are adorable! Please enter me! :)
Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen
Oseba Jax sporoča …
They are too cute! Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!
Oseba Mel♥ sporoča …
please enter me so beautiful!!
Great Blog
Oseba barb cabot sporoča …
Greetings from California and thank you so much for being a part of this OWOH project. It is a hopeful journey that we follow..this idea of a unifying idea. Lovely and sweet the things you make. I'd be honored to try for this prize.
Barb Cabot
Oseba Franny sporoča …
Little buggies! How darling!

I would jump for joy to win this the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)
Oseba Renee sporoča …


Oseba Connie sporoča …
Please enter me in your giveaway, and come enter mine!
connie williams
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Cute, sweet, very fun!

These little bugs are happy, I see why, everyone smiles at them!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
so sweet!
i would love to have one at our home...
Oseba D Q sporoča …
So very cute! Please enter me.
Oseba Sam sporoča …
I have never seen anything like this - they look too cute!!
Oseba Jennifer sporoča …
Your little buggies are so cute! I just love them!
Oseba Born in the year of the Dog sporoča …
Love your cute bugs; great OWOH giveaway. Thanks Colleen
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Thank you for the great giveaway! I would love a chance to win.

:) Melissa
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Please enter me and visit my giveaway on my blog too!

Oseba Beadyjan sporoča …
What a load of generous creative people I'm finding through OWOH.

Call by my blog for a pendant necklace giveaway and include me in your draw please.
Oseba AngieHallHaviland sporoča …
What a FUN event this is....making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Be sure to stop by my blog :O)
Oseba Connie Carpenter Macko sporoča …
what a clever idea! enter me to win. have fun visiting during OWOH!
Oseba Coralie Cederna Johnson sporoča …
So cute bugs! Please add my name to your drawing!

Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there!
Oseba Rika sporoča …
These are cute!
please stop by my blog as well.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Nekoč je živel Žužu... ali sploh veste, kakšen radovednež je to. Ne?Pokukajte pod mizo, tam se je ustavil, čeprav le za hip, pa je že naredil pravo veselico.
Oseba Our Hands For Hope sporoča …
This is beautiful. I am having so much fun, but having a hard time getting to everyone! Not enough minutes in the day. I'll be back.
'running with scissors'
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
What a cute give-away! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
Bleubabe at aol dot com
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Very nice and nice of you to share! Please enter me.They are the cutest! Thanks!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
Oseba Pink Elephant Soapery sporoča …
Thanks for participating! Love visiting all the blogs and getting to know new friends. Stop by mine when you have a moment for my give-a-way. I am #554 on the list.
Oseba Bleubeard and Elizabeth sporoča …
What a darling giveaway. And, yes, you made perfect sense to me.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com
Oseba WendyP sporoča …
your giveaways are so cute
hope you will stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
such cute little bugs! I discovered your blog through Bits of Sunshine - Elizabeth is a longtime friend of mine. :)
Oseba martha brown sporoča …
These little bugs are very cute! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much! I'm off now to look around your blog!
Oseba Pat Haight sporoča …
They are so cute. Please enter me in your giveaway and stop by and say hi, if you get a chance.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
These are really sweet and a lot of son would love them!
Greetings from Oregon, USA :)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
so cute!
Oseba Unknown sporoča …

Thank-you! Please include me and be sure to stop by my Giveaway, too!
Oseba KKJD1 sporoča …
Such cute critters, thanks for the chance to win. Blessings, Karen
Oseba free indeed sporoča …
My grandsons would love these to sit on their cups! Thank you for participating.
Oseba Benedetta sporoča …
beautiful! Please put my name in!!
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Adorable! Please add me to your drawing!
Oseba Jamie Lott sporoča …
Hi Anja! Thank you for visiting my blog. Please sign me up for your adorable bugs! It has been very nice meeting you on the gypsy caravan!

Jamie ~ Savannah, Georgia (USA)
Oseba Jona Panesa sporoča …
they are so cute!!! please enter me in your drawing. let me be the lucky one to get one.
Oseba Faded Plains sporoča …
Your little bugs are darling!
Oseba Viki Banaszak sporoča …
How cute! Please sign me up for your giveaway. Thanks, Viki
Oseba Mimi sporoča …
Adorable & Wonderful!

Please enter me in your drawing & stop by and enter mine :0)

OWOH #640

Have a great night!
Oseba Sarahlé sporoča …
Ohhh how cute! Please count me in, I would be delighted to have one :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day

Oseba Alexandra Lundgren sporoča …
Cute, cute, CUTE!!! Please enter me!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
How cute! Count me in!

Oseba Melody sporoča …
I'll give it to my little sister if i win.

Thanks for the giveaway!

mel_88_88 at hotmail dot com
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
SO CUTE! Pick me please!

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
You're so talented! Love them! Cute bugs!

Oseba SuseADoodle sporoča …

(the online translator I have been using doesn't translate to Slovinian -- sorry.)
Oseba Its Meow or Never Animal Rescue sporoča …
I love your blog, very nice, and how cute. Can't wait until I can go through it better. I would love to be entered into this give away.

For the animals,
Oseba Bella Sinclair sporoča …
So CUTE! I'd love to have one on my glass!
Oseba Sarah Sullivan sporoča …
Oh these are beyond darling!!! Plese add me to your list!! Thanks for visiting mine!!!
Oseba Renata Pacheco sporoča …
What a great giveaway! I’d love to win. Please, enter me in your drawing. I’m participating in OWOH too. If you have some time (and if you didn’t do it yet), please, stop by my blog to see my giveaways. I’m #611 on Lisa’s list. Greetings from Brazil!
Oseba s hyler sporoča …
Those are so cute. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
Have a wonderful day,
Oseba Pike sporoča …
So cute! Please enter me in the drawing!

Pirjo from Finland
Oseba Kristal sporoča …
These little bugs are adorable! My son will love them! Please add my name to your giveaway & be sure to stop by my blog, #718, for my OWOH giveaway.
Oseba Char sporoča …
Hi from Oregon!!

I have never seen anything like this. My Granddaughters would LOVE it!!!

Please enter me in your giveaway.

If you haven't already, come by and visit my blog, too!

Oseba BumbleBee Bagz sporoča …
how cute..put me in!
Oseba Oakleaf Hollow Primitives sporoča …
Your little bugs are so cute! Please add me to the giveaway. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Nice to meet you!

Oseba VintageCrafter sporoča …
Too cute! Adorable little bugs. please add me in to your drawing.
Carol :)
Oseba Jessica sporoča …
Your buggies are too cute, my kids think they are cool too. :D We would like to enter your drawing please :)

snowpumpkin *at*
Oseba jamaise sporoča …
Very cute! :))))
Oseba Bee sporoča …
ooh these are so cute and I'd love to be in your draw please.

Why not pop over to my blog and enter my draw too.


Oseba Angel Tousignant sporoča …
Elles sont magnifiques. Mettez mon nom dans votre tirage s.v.p.
Oseba Alisa sporoča …
So very cute. Please enter me in your generous give-away. Thank you :)
Oseba Mary sporoča …
Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my OWOH drawing. Please enter me in your drawing. Those little bugs are adorable!!!
Oseba Holly sporoča …
yes - it makes sens and i would LOVE to have your cute little bugs come to my house!!
Oseba malleycc sporoča …
What cute little creatures. I love them they are so cute.
Oseba Cotton Picker sporoča …
They're so adorable. Please enter me in your draw. Thank you.

Inga (
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
What cute bugs!
Oseba Barbara Olivo Cagle sporoča …
I love the cute little bugs! Count me in. Your site and prize is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book.


Barbara #830
Oseba Contessa Kris sporoča …
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win!

I'm participating in OWOH as well! Feel free to visit and win!
Oseba Tumbleweed Trails sporoča …
They are so darn cute. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Please enter me in your drawing, and if you haven't already pop by my blog and sign up to win my prizes!
Oseba Sandy..... sporoča …
How incredibly adorable~! I would like a chance to win, too, please enter me in the drawing!
Oseba the sketching backpacker sporoča …
I just got my blog going again because of
One World, One Heart.

(I'm giving away a book i made).

Please do enter my name in the draw.

Thank you from the Philippines!

Oseba Tester Mari sporoča …
Please enter me too! The buggies are just so cute!


marilavado at
Oseba Sugar and Spice Art Confections sporoča …
Cute bugs!
I love their happy faces!

Please visit me at

Oseba jolt sporoča …
very cute
please add me to your draw
Oseba Betty Boogie sporoča …
Those are so cute! Please put me in the drawing! I know my girls would love those!
Oseba Roberta sporoča …

Jap, zdaj sva pa dve na ciganskem vozu. Jaz sem ga za las ujela, sem zadnji trenutek po naključju našla link in na hitro spackala skupaj post... je šlo za minutke :)

Luškan blog in luškan giveaway. Pa srečno pri žrebanjih!
Oseba Sandra Evertson sporoča …
I love your bugs! Please add me to your giveaway and stop by mine.

Sandra Evertson
Oseba Belinda Manning sporoča …
These little guys are really cute.
I REALLY want to visit as many sites as possible. I have just been amazed at the generosity and talent of the artists participating here. Bedtime is quite out of control. But what an amazing experience!! What a tribute to Lisa and our collective humanity!
It was great stopping in meeting you and looking around a bit.

If you have a chance please stop by to see me. I'm listed on the caravan as #515 Phoenix Rising.

See you there!
Oseba Judy sporoča …
Love what you do!!
please enter me in your drawing
Oseba Lisa sporoča …
My boys would love these.. they are soo cute! Count me in please!!
Oseba cowgirltazz sporoča …
What darling little buggies! Please enter me in your drawing and be sure to come by mine at #587 if you haven't yet. Thank you.
Oseba nfmgirl sporoča …
How cute! Please count me in. Thank you!

Gypsy wagon #833 on the caravan
Oseba Merry sporoča …
These are too cute. Thansk for sharing.
Oseba Carla sporoča …
Add me in:)
Oseba Ginny sporoča …
Those bugs are so cute. Great idea bout dividing the comments in half!
Oseba Deborah sporoča …
Cute creatures. Please add me to your drawing.
deb2604 at
Oseba BrendaLea, the Prpldy sporoča …
Your bugs are adorable.

BrendaLea OWOH #754}
Oseba CatieAn sporoča …
what darling little bugs
please enter me in your drawing
for owoh.
please visit mine and enter for a handmade journal or vintage chenille roping
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Such cute little bugs! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
How adorable! My family would give these little bugs a good home.

onlycancan ta hotmail tod com
Oseba GoldenAngelsWorks sporoča …
Please include me in this wonderful drawing for such a wonderful piece. Thank you.
Oseba ozlynda sporoča …
Your bugs are so cute.
I would love to win one.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at
Oseba Live, Love, Laugh, Write! sporoča …
Cute bugs!

If you haven't had a chance yet, come by my blog and enter my contest! :)

Oseba Valerie sporoča …
What cute little bugs. I'd love to win them. Also if you haven't yet please stop by and enter my giveaway. I am #505 on the caravan.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Cute little bugs! It'll be a great conversation piece as well.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
those bugs are so cute! Thank you for the giveaway!
Oseba storyteller sporoča …
Nisem še zamudila, nisem! :)
Oseba Kim Reid sporoča …
Fabulous Gifts!! Please enter me in your great giveaway - Thank you!

kimberlybreid [at] hotmail [dot] com
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
How lovely to meet you :-) and your lovely glass bugs, they are so cute

OWOH #401
Oseba happyichigo♥ sporoča …
adorable give away..please count me in and thanks for this wonderful chance of winning!
Oseba Nichola sporoča …
Too cute! Thanks for the drawing.
Oseba elsmarlouamrman sporoča …
thank you for such cute little bug giveaways!
Oseba Debbie sporoča …
Cute bugs! Count me in, please. If you still have a chance, please check out my giveaway. #810
Oseba Anja sporoča …