Zakladi jeseni - dnevi 3,4 in 5 / Autumn treasures - days 3, 4 and 5
Kratek pobeg je vedno dobrodošel. Stran od širokih cest, velikih trgovin, glasne glasbe in svetlih noči... k ozkim stezicam, majhni vaški trgovinici, ptičjemu petju in črnim, črnim nočem, v katerih se na nebu blešči nešteto zvezd.
Našli smo ogromno zakladov in spodaj je nekaj izmed njih... naj slike govorijo same zase...
A short getaway is always good and welcome. Away from wide streets, big shoping centres, loud music and bright nights... to narrow paths, small village shop, birds singing and black nights with bright stars...
We have found many treasures and I have some to show you... no words - I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

P.S. Bili smo v Trenti.
P.S. We spent our weekend in Trenta. A must place in Slovenia.
i also really like the picture of your little girl. :)
and i wanted to thank you for your kind words about my dad - so, thank you. you are so very sweet and thoughtful!
have a happy day!
I just came across your blog and it is so sweet. I LOVE, LOVE these photographs ~ what a wondrous, beautiful, peaceful place ~ I would love to go there to rest and relax. I imagine you have many beautiful areas in that part of the world.
I really appreciate that you write your blog in English as well as in Slovene. I plan to visit your blog often.
It is nice to meet you, Anja. Your little daughter is adorable.