IF - Skinny

'Uf, tukaj pa ne morem živeti. Gobi sta presuhi.'
Ubogi palček brez doma. Upamm, da bo kamlu našel veliko debelo gobo. Zima se bliža.
'Oh, I can't live in here. Those toadstools are too skinny.'
Poor little homeless gnome. I hope he'll find a nice fat toadstool doon. It's winter comming.
Vsekakor sem ta teden morala pripeti svojo drobtinico na besedo 'skinny'. To temo sem namreč predlagala jaz in bila je sprejeta in sem oh in sploh navdušena.
I just had to post my little sketch on this weeks theme at Illustration Friday. Skinny was my suggestion and was accepted and I'm oh so happy about it.
Ubogi palček brez doma. Upamm, da bo kamlu našel veliko debelo gobo. Zima se bliža.
'Oh, I can't live in here. Those toadstools are too skinny.'
Poor little homeless gnome. I hope he'll find a nice fat toadstool doon. It's winter comming.
Vsekakor sem ta teden morala pripeti svojo drobtinico na besedo 'skinny'. To temo sem namreč predlagala jaz in bila je sprejeta in sem oh in sploh navdušena.
I just had to post my little sketch on this weeks theme at Illustration Friday. Skinny was my suggestion and was accepted and I'm oh so happy about it.