Čiv-oblekca / Tweet-dress

Uporabila sem morda malce pretrd jeans in bombažen pulover, ki se je čisto preveč raztegnil da bi bil še nosljiv. Odrezala sem mu rokave - za rokave :o) in za žep - ptička na sprednji strani. Ptiček ima bingljajoče nožice in je mega srčkan. Čiv.
I made this dress this weekend to try out a new pattern from Ottobre Design. Well, first time I have browsed through it I missed it and Miss G was the one to point it out to me 'I want a dress just like this one, mummy'. I love those words. Really do. So I took maybe a little too stiff blue jeans and and old cotton sweater. I only cut the sleeves off and use them as, of course, sleeves and a bird pocket on front. Bird has dangling legs and is really cute.
I'm going to make more of these dresses. It's easy and fun pattern.
Ne razumem logike, zakaj imajo male deklice lahko spalne srajčke z rokavi, večje pa morajo imet topke brez rokavov????
have a wonderful week..
it looks cozy, too. :)