Lutkovna predstava / Puppet show
Advent: dan 12
Days of Advent: 12
Days of Advent: 12
Bolezen se še ni čisto odločila ali ji je pri nas všeč ali ne, zato se še kar smuka okoli vogalov. Tako ostajamo doma, jo podimo in poskušamo priklicati zdravje.
Lutk si nismo mogli ogledati v gledališču, bi vam pa rada pokazala tole idejo, ki je mega hitro uresničljiva in pritegne male palčke. Senčne lutke. Seveda jih vsi poznate, pa vseeno, če ste slučajno pozabili. Potrebujete karton, palico, svetel prt, okvir vrat, luč in debel lepilni trak.
Illness is still in our home and seem like she can't make up her mind whether she likes us or not. She is rambling around and we are trying to scare her away and get health instead.
So we couldn't go and see the puppet show, but I have a sipmle solution for a gray evening - shadow puppets. i'm sure you all know them, but anyway. You need cardboard, stick, adhesive tape, bright tablecloth, light and door frame.
Lutk si nismo mogli ogledati v gledališču, bi vam pa rada pokazala tole idejo, ki je mega hitro uresničljiva in pritegne male palčke. Senčne lutke. Seveda jih vsi poznate, pa vseeno, če ste slučajno pozabili. Potrebujete karton, palico, svetel prt, okvir vrat, luč in debel lepilni trak.
Illness is still in our home and seem like she can't make up her mind whether she likes us or not. She is rambling around and we are trying to scare her away and get health instead.
So we couldn't go and see the puppet show, but I have a sipmle solution for a gray evening - shadow puppets. i'm sure you all know them, but anyway. You need cardboard, stick, adhesive tape, bright tablecloth, light and door frame.
Ko imate litke narejene, prilepite prt na okvir vrat in predstava se lahko začne. Zabavajte se!
Stick the tablecloth on door frame and have fun!
Stick the tablecloth on door frame and have fun!