Marčevske misli * 24 / March thoughts * 24
Kako bi se lahko uprla?
Ingolič, Bevk, Gorki, Heidi, ljubezen, zgodovina, skrivnosti...
Imam pa res srečo, da pridem v knjižnico ravno takrat, ko imajo odpis.
"Za otroke je potrebno pisati tako kot za odrasle, le bolje."
Maksim Gorki
How could I resist?
Henry James, Harper Lee, Gorky, history, romance, life...
Oh, I love it when I come to library and there is a stack of written off (is this the right expression?) books.
“You must write for children in the same way as you do for adults, only better.”
Maxim Gorky
and your tulips are beautiful!
i have also loved your march thoughts. very much.
hugs and sunshine to you ~e
kako zelo, ampak ZELO, ZELO ga imam rada.