Zimski solsticij / Winter solstice
Praznovanje zimskega solsticija je z letošnjim letom postalo del našega Adventa. Lansko leto smo posadili seme in upam, da bo raslo in da bomo vsako leto dodali nekaj novega v praznovanje.
We celebrated Winter solstice today and I'm really hoping that it will became a strong tradition in our family. I love the whole idea and it feels so magical.
Včeraj zvečer sem gospodičnama sešila blazinici z luno, kot simbolom najdaljše noči, na drugo stran pa sem prišila rumeno kvačkano sonce. Drugo leto bom sešila sonce na licu blazine in tako leto za letom dodajala elemente nebesne čarovnije. Blazinici sem nato skrila in ju deklicala podarila zvečer, preden sta odšli spat.
Yesterday evening I made two soft pillows for my girls. The Moon as a simbol of the longest night of the year and a little crochet Sun on the other side. I'm planning to make the Sun on the front side next year and then a part of the Universe every year.
Naredila sem svečnike s štirimi svečami. Ideja je bila, da bi vsak prižgal svojo svečo in si ob tem nekaj zaželel, nato pa bi vsi naenkrat sveče upihnili in želje poslali na njihovo pot k uresničitvi.
I didn't have an oak log, so I used a birch one. I made four holes in it for candles. The idea was that every one of us light one candle and make a wish. Then we would all blow the candles at the same time and send wishes on their way.
Z gospodičnama pa smo izdelale 'ledene' lučke. Zvečer pred spanjem je vsaka prižgala svečko v svoji lučki. Položile smo jih na tla in sedle okoli njih ter zapele nekaj pesmic.
My girls made an 'ice lanterns'. In the evening we light a candle in them hold hands and sing songs before bedtime. I gave them pillows and then they jumped into their beds.
Upam, da je bil tudi vaš dan poln čarobnih trenutkov.
It hope your day was also full of magical moments.
Pozdrav in čarobno zimo ti želim.
we ate supper by candlelight, then we went outside and lit some fireworks. :)