Kamenčki / Pebbles
Pred nekaj dnevi smo barvale kamenčke.
Gospodična N je uživala v mešanju barv, gospodična G pa se je urila v risanju manjših vzorcev.
Sama sem želela narediti nekaj kamenčkov za srečo. Dojenčka sem želela danes dati svakinji, ki ima danes zagovor diplome. Raziskovala je nego dojenčkov.
A ko sem želela dojenčka polakirati, mi je padel na tla in počil.
Upam, da je bilo to dovolj smole ob tem dogodku in da bo šlo njej kot po maslu.
We were painting pebbles the other day. Miss N was having fun with colours, Miss G was trying to draw little patterns and me... well, I was trying to make few good luck charms. I wanted to give the baby to my sister-in-law. She has the final test today and she'll became a nurse.
But, when I wanted to varnish my little pebble-baby it fell on the floor.
I hope that this was enough bad-luck for a day and I wish her to pass this test with distinction.
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