Venček iz Blatanije / Wreath from Mudland

Z Malim B sva se danes podala v Blatanijo. 
  Blatanija je čarobna dežela, ki se pojavi po dežju in ostaja vidna dokler je sonce ne posuši.

Little B and I went to the Mudland today.
Mudland is a magic land that appears after rain and disappears in few days or weeks.

 V Blataniji rastejo pisani grmički in Blatanci niso imeli nič proti mojemu obrezovanju le teh.

Mudland is full of colorful shrubs and I got permission from Mudcreatures to cut it a little bit.

 Kajti s pisanimi šibami se naredi čudovit pisan venček.

I love my new wreath!


Oseba Ann sporoča …
Oh Anja I've been keeping my eye out for these shrubs - we call it dogwood in the UK. Just love the colours - your wreath is beautiful! I made twig reindeer with the red one a few years ago.