Darila / Gifts

Rada bi vam pokazala dve od prejetih daril. Ja, moj rojstni dan je res že minil, ampak to še ne pomeni, da je minil tudi čas, ko bi se lahko malo pohvalila :o)

Today I would like to show you two of my birthday presents. I know, I know, my birthday is far away, but that doesn't mean I can't brag a Little, right :o)

To je delček jopice, ki mi jo je spletla babica. Moja babica. Pred vsakim rojstnim dnevom nas pokliče k sebi, položi v naročje kup revij in košaro z volno. Izberemo si model ter barvne kombinacije. Rada klepetam z njo in brskam po njeni ogromni zbirki revij. Zbira jih že več kot 30 let.

This is a part of a cardigan my granny knited for me. Every year before birthday, she call us, her grandchildren, and put a big pile of magazines and basket of wool infront of us. We choose the model and colours for our new cardigan or sweater. She is collecting knitting magazines for more than 30 years and her collection is really amazing. Sitting in her livingroom, leafing through magazines, deciding which cardigan to choose... I love talking to my granny.

Mala rajska ptica je darilo mojih staršev in brata. Izbrala sem jo sama v moji najljubši trgovinici v Kamiku - Majolki. Žal vam ne morem povedati ime ustvarjalke, ker ni nikjer napisana, v trgovini pa sem pozabila vprašati. Niti ne vem, če je res ženska, ampak nekaj mi pravi, da je.

Little Bird from Eden is a gift from my parents and my brother. It's a lovely ceramics piece of art.


Oseba Amy sporoča …
how lucky you are to have such a wonderful grandmother!
Oseba Red Hen (dette) sporoča …
Lucky you! lovely presents. Your post reminded me of my granny. I used to spend alot of time with her too. She loved to help me with my children and make us cakes,soup and biscuits. She died many years ago and because I'd just left my husband and had nothing I inherited all her cooking things and a collection of her favourite hand written recipies. I love these so much and feel connected to her everytime I bake.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Kdor praznuje rojstni dan jeseni, si za darila izbira jesenske barve.
Le zakaj?
lp m.