Črvički / Bugs
Če želite, da bo vaše ime v klobuku za žrebanje imate čas še do večera danes. Vse kar morate storiti je, da pustite komentar pri objavi TUKAJ.
There is still time to enter my drawing for an autumn present. Just leave a leave a comment HERE until late evening today.
There is still time to enter my drawing for an autumn present. Just leave a leave a comment HERE until late evening today.
Napadel me je črv. In to ne črviček, pač pa prav velik črv. Slabo mi je, trebuh me boli, glava... in zjutraj sem morala poklicati v službo, da me ne bo. Po enem tednu sem že na bolniški! Prespala cem celo dopoldne in zdajle se počutim spet kot človek in ne kot ameba. Še vedno pa sem kilometre daleč od dobrega počutja. Še dobro da je posvetilo sonce. Raztegnila si bom ležalnik in upala, da bodo črva premamima sladka jabolka, ki smo jih včeraj nabrali in bo zapustil moje prazno črevesje :o)
Aja, pa včeraj sem na MOONSTITCHES našla števec obiskovalcev. Ne le, da jih šteje, še na zemljevidu prikaže od kod prihajate. V eni sami noči se mi je na zemljevidu prikazalo deset in več malih zvezdic. Resda komentarjev nimam veliko, ampak tiste zvezdce so dokaz, da kljub vsemu berete moje besede. Jupi.
I have abug. A really big, nasty bug. I feel sick, I have a tummy ache, headache... and in the morning I had to call to work, that I'm not comming. After only a week! After that call I returned to my bed and slept through the morning. I feel better now, but I still miles away from felling good.
I'm going outside, to sit in the sun. I hope that my bug will be temted by apples that we picked yesterday. I hope that he will leave my empty intestine and go for apples instead.
Oh, and at MOONSTITCHES I found a counter. It's great. I can see where all of you come from. Amazing. You really are my little stars.
Aja, pa včeraj sem na MOONSTITCHES našla števec obiskovalcev. Ne le, da jih šteje, še na zemljevidu prikaže od kod prihajate. V eni sami noči se mi je na zemljevidu prikazalo deset in več malih zvezdic. Resda komentarjev nimam veliko, ampak tiste zvezdce so dokaz, da kljub vsemu berete moje besede. Jupi.
I have abug. A really big, nasty bug. I feel sick, I have a tummy ache, headache... and in the morning I had to call to work, that I'm not comming. After only a week! After that call I returned to my bed and slept through the morning. I feel better now, but I still miles away from felling good.
I'm going outside, to sit in the sun. I hope that my bug will be temted by apples that we picked yesterday. I hope that he will leave my empty intestine and go for apples instead.
Oh, and at MOONSTITCHES I found a counter. It's great. I can see where all of you come from. Amazing. You really are my little stars.
Lp, Katja
P.S. O brez skrbi da beremo tvoje besede.
PS: Seveda beremo! ;)
Super blogec imaš! Me veseli, da sem te našla. :)
Hope that sleep and sunshine have helped ease the nasties.
Upam, da bo tokrat zamenjala prevozno sredstvo.
lp m.