Nisem zaspana! / I'm not sleepy!

Petkov večer ob devetih. Gospodična N vozi voziček po dnevni sobi. /
Friday evening at nine. Miss N is driving a little trolley with toys.

Mali gospodični imam neskončno rada in sem rada z njima. Ampak zvečer si želim miru. Ob osmih, ko zaspita v svojih posteljicah, se začne MOJ del dneva. Nekaj tihih uric namenjenih branju, pogovoru, risanju, šivanju ali gledanju televizije. In ko se katera od gospodičen odloči, da noče spati, mi to sploh ni všeč.

I love my girls, don't get me wrong. I love spending time with them. But in the evening I want a few hours for myself. At eight, when they're asleep in their beds, it's time for reading, sewing, drawing, talking or watching TV. And when one of girls don't want to sleep, I'm not happy.


Oseba Red Hen (dette) sporoča …
I totally empathise with you! Though nowdays sometimes I'm in bed before my son, who is a night owl.
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
hello! you've won yourself some flannel in the bitsofsunshine giveaway! i need your address, so i know where to send it. thanks for stopping by and for entering!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Uf, verjamem! Na srečo za enkrat nimamo problemov s tem, ker je Anžej ob sedmih že čisto fuč. Lep vikend in prijetne počitnice ti/vam želim.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Joooj, kako te razumem. Jaz sem, odkar imamo Perli, izgubila večji del "svojih" večerov in to se sedaj vleče že več kot eno leto:) Upam, da bo gospodična N jutri voziček raje porivala čez dan:)

LP Dekca (neprijav.)
Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
Hello once again! I can totally relate to your comment about not being happy when one of the children doesn't want to sleep... I am the same way! =) After I take care of them all day (which I love to do), I like to have a little quiet so I can do something for myself before I am so tired that I too fall alseep!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
In, ne pozabi:

Če se nekdo smeje, smej se!
Če nekdo poje, poj z njim!
Če nekdo joka, pojdi ga potolažit.
lp m.