Vilinska obleka / Fairy dress

Ne morem si pomagati. To rada počnem. Rada predelujem reči. Morda se bo nekaterim zadeva zdela 'uničenje popolnoma uporabne odeje' ampak kot obleka je prinesla gospodični G veliko veselja. Ne samo to, da si jo je popolnoma prostovoljno oblekla, celo poimenovala jo je. Kdo bi si mislil.

I can't help myself. I love doing this. Making something new from something old. Like this dress from an old blanket. Someone might say that I ruined a perfectly good baby blanket. Well, as a dress brought a lot of happiness to Miss G. Not only that she put it on completely voluntarily, she even gave it a name. A lovely name. Who would have thought.

Potrebujete odejico. Prepognete jo na pol tako, da je lepša stran noter. Pazite, da se res vsi robovi lepo prekrivajo.
You need a blanket. Fold it on half. The nicest side must be inside. Be very precise at folding.

Gor položite preprosto oblekico. Lahko si tudi iz časopisa izrežete kroj po zgornji sliki.
Put a simple dress on the blanket. You can draw a pattern according to my photo.
Just a simple bell line with sleeves.

Odrežite 1,5 cm od roba obleke, ki ste jo položili gor. To je rob za šiv.
Cut the dress line out. leave 1,5 cm edge for sewing.

Spnite oba dela in zašijte.
Bind together and sew.

Ovratnik sem jaz naredila tako, da sem z okrasnim trakom izmerila gospodični G glavo. Toliko traku, kolikor je obseg glave sem nato z bucikami lepo pritrdila na obleko in ga prišila. Šele potem sem izrezala luknjo za glavo.
Hole for the head. I first measure Miss G's head with the ribbon. I sew the ribbon that was the same size as Miss G's circumference of the head on the dress. Then I cut the hole out.
(Oh, I hope that's clear. You can email me if it's not.)

Nadenite svoji mali princeski. Prepričana sem, da ji bo všeč. Gospodična G je bila resnično žalostna, ko si je mogla obleko pred spanjem sleči.
Put the dress on your little princess. I'm sure she will like it. Miss G was so sad when she had to undress before bedtime.


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Uaau, zakon! Morda bom tudi jaz kdaj za našo Perli naredila kaj takega, če se bom opogumila:) Če boš kdaj pripravla tudi kak tutorial za fajn otroške hlače ( da bi tudi Cofek prišel na svoj račun - vidim da ima G vedno ful fajne hlače oblečene), se priporočam:)
Kako se je gospodična G navadila na vrtec? Mi smo še vedno tako, tako.. Mami je zdaj extra zakon 24 ur na dan, ne pridem niti do WCja, kaj šele do bloga, ha ha.
LP vsem,
Oseba Red Hen (dette) sporoča …
Very cute! My chicy babe had a long jumper/dress that she wore for years. It was one I got for 50c at an op shop. At first it was long like your dress and she wore it with jeans and stockings then it was short on her and she wore it as a jumper. I was so sad when she grew out of it! Partly because it was so cute but mostly because she was getting so big!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Tista "preprosta oblekica" sploh ni preprosta, ampak sem jo spletla, ko je bila avtorica tega bloga stara pet let.
In vzelo mi je kak mesec več časa kot poredelava odejice.
Ej, ej, kaj vse človek danes ne prebere na internetu.
lp mami
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
No pa brez zamere. Lepa pa je, tudi tvoja seveda.
lp ammi
Oseba Bird Bath sporoča …
what a wonderful fairy dress! It looks sweet, cosy and special...The instructions were great,thanks! - I feel inspired to make something like this for one of my fairies, as I really enjoy to repurpose lovely fabrics too.
Oseba Jikkes sporoča …
Great work and sóóóó sweet....

Your daughter really looks like a fairy!
Oseba Moni sporoča …
Oblekica je prekrasna, prečudovita, tudi jaz jo nebi hotela sleči!Lp, Moni
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
how very sweet! i need to try this!
Oseba iammommahearmeroar sporoča …
Beautiful and smart. Great work. Thank you for sharing this!

Oseba MarikaGabez sporoča …
Čudovita predelava!!!