Luštne reči / Lovely things

Dišeče, sladko in uporabno darilo iz Belgije. Hvala Marjolijn!
(Obiščite njen blog. Čudovito svež je in tako lepo bel.)

An amazing gift from Belgium. Thank you Marjolijn. I love it. I can't express my feelings but I hope it's OK to say that you make me feel really special. I will treasure your gift forever.
Be sure to visit her blog. There is Something White about it.

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Druga prijetna reč, ki me je doletela je tale nagradica, ki mi jo je poklonila Tanja. Hvala.
Lepo je slišati in prebrati, da vam je moj blog všeč, celo več, da vam nudi zavetje. Zaradi vaših komentarjev so moji koraki lažji.

A second lovely thing is an award I get from Tanja.Thank you so much. At this moment I must say how much your comments mean to me and how very happy I am to be part of this blog society. Thank you all for being here with me.

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In ker je pravljično število tri dodajam še tale kupček blaga, ki ga na svojem blogu podarja Emily - Ravenhill. Ne zamudite!

And to reach the magic number I'm adding this lovely bunch of fabric. Emily from Ravenhill is having a giveaway on her blog. Hurry!


Oseba K sporoča …
Strašen uček za lepe stvari imaš :)
A junija že veš, kam gremo na potovanj skozi čas?
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
yes, lovely things. aren't packages in the mail the best?

and i'm wondering - did i miss june's "on today's date"? or are you waiting for sunday?