V gozd / Into the woods

...morda bomo v gozdu srečali kakšno vilo... to bi bilo lepo... morda nam bo pokazala, kje rastejo najdebelejše borovnice...

...maybe we'll meet a fairy in the woods today... that would be nice... and she might show us where the biggest wild blueberries grow...


Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
this is lovely, anja!

i would love to meet you in the fairy woods and pick blueberries, and then make a blueberry pie and have our families sit down together and share it with vanilla ice cream . . .

i love the little dress you made for Miss G - so very sweet!
Oseba Art Fan Ako sporoča …
These are the coolest trees!!!
Oseba Rumour has it sporoča …
This is a very nice drawing! I wonder how the white lines were made, is it a special pen or paint or something else? It´s a nice idea to draw on that brown craftpaper! :)
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Prečudovita drevesa ... naša medolina je včeraj prišla iz šole v naravi ... gozdovi so prečudoviti in zvečer so z baklami po gozdu iskali palčke in pravi, da so jih čisto zares videli - in jaz ji čisto zares verjamem ...

Oseba PolonaP sporoča …
ojej, ojej.
Tale drevesa s ptički, bi ti pa kar sunila.

Oseba BojaMoja sporoča …
Prečudovita drevesa!!! Resnično pravljična :)