Marčevske misli * 15 / March thoughts * 15
Kjer stoji tale košarica, tam je moj ustvarjalni kotiček. Pravzaprav je kar zanimivo opazovati njeno dnevno premikanje po prostoru.
Zjutraj je v bližini ekrana, kjer sem zvečer ob gledanju filma zaposlila tudi roke.
Če imam dovolj časa, se tam okoli sedmih zjutraj prestavi na kavč, kjer naredim kakšno vrstico pred odhodom v vrtec, službo.
Če je vse po sreči, jo ob povratku najdem na istem mestu. Od tega trenutka dalje je njena pot zelo nepredvidljiva. Danes na primer, si bom ustvarjalni kotiček postavila zunaj na sončku.
My creative space is... where this basket stands.
Actualy it's quite interesting how it moves around during the day.
In the evening and later morning it's somewhere near the screen, because I love to keep my hands busy when watching the movie.
Sometims, when I have a few early morning minutes I sit on the sofa and make few rows before leaving to kindergarden and work.
When I'm lucky I found it on the same spot when I came home few hours later :o)
After that is everything very unpredictable... today for instance, I'll make my creative space outside in the sun.
Thanks, Kootooyo, for letting me play.
Ti tudi jaz čez kak dan pokažem svojo ustvarjalno košarico ...