Marčevske misli * 3 / March thoughts * 3

The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enought.
Rabindranath Tagore

Pri deklicah je že tako, da je njihovo navdušenje nad projektom premosorazmerno s količino roza barve prisotne pri nastajanju izdelka. Če pa dodaš še malo bleščečega tila, je uspeh zagotovljen.

Oh, girls... their enthusiasm for a craft project is proportional with the amount of pink involved. Add a silver sparkling tulle and you can't miss.


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Jaz tudi opažam, da jih tale rozi obsede že kmalu po drugem letu, kar malo hecno, a ni:)Upam, da ste bolje..
LP Dekca
Oseba ArtSparker sporoča …
Little wonder.
Oseba Ann sporoča …
Very pretty Anja - I hope yesterday's invalid is recovered - there's nothing as comforting as sleeping under a warm quilt by the fire.