Risanje s črnilom / Drawing with ink
Z gospodično G sva se pred nekaj dnevi lotili ustvarjanja z razredčenim črnilom in soljo. Moram priznati, da sem imela blazno romantične predstave o učinku soli, ampak se niso uresničile. Očitno črnilo in sol ni prava kombinacija. Izdelki pa so vseeno simpatični.
Miss G and I were playing with aome inkdrawing with some watered ink and salt. The effect was not exactly as I thought it will be, but interesting anyway.
Miss G and I were playing with aome inkdrawing with some watered ink and salt. The effect was not exactly as I thought it will be, but interesting anyway.
Mož s psom pod soncem / Man with his dog under the sun.
Učinek soli / The effect of salt
Lp, Mojca in Anžej