Sladko grenki ponedeljek / Bitter sweet monday
Nekaj vam moram priznati. Bojim se zobozdravnika. Ne zelo, ampak ravno toliko, da mi je v čakalnici neprijetno, ob sestrinem klicu mojega priimka pomislim, da se ne bi oglasila in notri v ordinaciji tako močno stiskam pesti, da imam členke čisto bele. Torej, obisk zobozdravnika ni ravno na vrhu seznama najljubših opravil. In danes sem imela termin. Vsaj mislila sem, da ga imam, kajti, ko sem prišla tja, sem ugotovila, da ga nimam (v ponedeljkih delajo šele popoldne, jaz pa sem prišla dopoldne). Poklicala sem sestro in izvedela, da sem bila naročena v petek. Sedmi - deseti (marec). Se vam zdi, da zveni podobno? Kar na jok mi je šlo. Izgubljeno sem stala pred vrati ordinacije in se po telefonu pogovarjala s sestro ter se dogovarjala za nov termin. Precej trapasto, kaj ne.
Poklapano sem se odpravila domov. Spotoma sem odšla še na pošto in uganite... tam me je čakal paket iz Nizozemske. Srce mi je glasno bilo, ko sem s paketom v roki stopala po vrtni poti do vhodnih vrat. Komaj sem čakala, da ga odprem. Ampak... vrata so bila zaklenjena, jaz pa brez ključa. Si predstavljate? V rokah sem držala mali zaklad, pa ga nisem mogla odpreti (hotela sem ga namreč poslikati). Počutila sem se kot kakšna mamca, ki drži v rokah škatlo najljubših piškotov, pa je nekje založila protezo. Grrrrr. Počakala sem torej, da so se moji vrnili s sprehoda, potem pa šviššš po fotoaparat in nad ovojni papir. Pomagala mi je gospodična G. In kaj sva našli? Maureen mi je poslala kroj za tegale lepotca, poleg pa je priložila še ves potreben material, da si ga lahko sama sešijem, plus nekaj darilčk kar tako. Vanilijev čaj, srce za obesit, vrečko sivke, okrasni lepilni trak in malega piščančka. Sploh nisem mogla verjeti svojim očem.
Nevšečnost z zobarjem je bila v hipu pozabljena.
I have a confesion to make. I'm afraid of the dentist. Yes, it's true. I'm not comfortable in the waiting room, when nurse call my name I allways thought to sham and on dentist chair I squezze my fist so hard it hurts. Yes, I had a date with dentist today. Al least I thought I have it but it turns out I didn't have it. Well, I had it on friday, but I mixed something up. I was so angry with myself.
But, there's allways sunshine after rain. A postman brought me a parcel from Maureen. But there was another obstacle on my way. I didn't have the key to get into the house, open the parcel, take some pictures... I couldn't open it without my camera. So I was waiting in my car on my folks to return. Can you imagine an old lady with her faourite cookise, but she lost her prosthesis. That's exactly how I felt. Grrrr.
Finally Miss G and Miss N came home with their grandparents and ... a few very exciting moments ... then ... parcel ful of goodies to make my very own doggie! Plus a lot of goodies just because - vanilla tee, little lavender bag... I couldn't belive my eyes.
Who cares about the dentist and waiting outside the house.
Poklapano sem se odpravila domov. Spotoma sem odšla še na pošto in uganite... tam me je čakal paket iz Nizozemske. Srce mi je glasno bilo, ko sem s paketom v roki stopala po vrtni poti do vhodnih vrat. Komaj sem čakala, da ga odprem. Ampak... vrata so bila zaklenjena, jaz pa brez ključa. Si predstavljate? V rokah sem držala mali zaklad, pa ga nisem mogla odpreti (hotela sem ga namreč poslikati). Počutila sem se kot kakšna mamca, ki drži v rokah škatlo najljubših piškotov, pa je nekje založila protezo. Grrrrr. Počakala sem torej, da so se moji vrnili s sprehoda, potem pa šviššš po fotoaparat in nad ovojni papir. Pomagala mi je gospodična G. In kaj sva našli? Maureen mi je poslala kroj za tegale lepotca, poleg pa je priložila še ves potreben material, da si ga lahko sama sešijem, plus nekaj darilčk kar tako. Vanilijev čaj, srce za obesit, vrečko sivke, okrasni lepilni trak in malega piščančka. Sploh nisem mogla verjeti svojim očem.
Nevšečnost z zobarjem je bila v hipu pozabljena.
I have a confesion to make. I'm afraid of the dentist. Yes, it's true. I'm not comfortable in the waiting room, when nurse call my name I allways thought to sham and on dentist chair I squezze my fist so hard it hurts. Yes, I had a date with dentist today. Al least I thought I have it but it turns out I didn't have it. Well, I had it on friday, but I mixed something up. I was so angry with myself.
But, there's allways sunshine after rain. A postman brought me a parcel from Maureen. But there was another obstacle on my way. I didn't have the key to get into the house, open the parcel, take some pictures... I couldn't open it without my camera. So I was waiting in my car on my folks to return. Can you imagine an old lady with her faourite cookise, but she lost her prosthesis. That's exactly how I felt. Grrrr.
Finally Miss G and Miss N came home with their grandparents and ... a few very exciting moments ... then ... parcel ful of goodies to make my very own doggie! Plus a lot of goodies just because - vanilla tee, little lavender bag... I couldn't belive my eyes.
Who cares about the dentist and waiting outside the house.
Lahko strgam papir, mami? / Can I tear the paper, mummy?
Tooooliko reči! Hvala Maureen! / Sooooooo many goodies! Thank you, Maureen! (The chick is already gone with Miss G.)
Ali ni to najbolj mega blago, kar ste jih kdaj videli? / Isn't this the best fabric ever?
I don't like the dentist either! I always become very nervous and start to shake in the chair whenever I go!