Kako uporabiti stare kavbojke /Jeans bucket tutorial

Pri pisanju navodil za izdelavo se najbolj bojim, da se bom zapletla v razlagi in da bo na koncu nastala čisto nerazumljiva kolobocija. Vseeno poskusimo...

I'm afraid writting tutorials. Because of my English and because I'm afraid I might complicate everything and nowbody would understand what am I talking about. Anyway, let's give it a try...

1. korak: Poiščite kavbojke, ki jih ne potrebujete več. Eno hlačnico narežite na do 15 cm (ali več) široke pasove.
Step 1: Find old jeans. Cut one trouser leg into 15 cm (or more) width pieces.

2. korak: Izrežite krog za dno košarice. Za izračun pravilnega premera kroga uporabite enačbo polmer je obseg deljeno z 2 π. Obseg izračunate tako, da izmerite dolžino odrezanega traku in ga pomnožite z dve. (Razumljivo?)
Enako naredite z izbranim blagom za notranjost košarice.
Step 2: Cut circle for bottom of bucket. The size of the circle or better the length of the radius can be calculated with equation. (Radius = Circumference / 2 π. Radius x 2=Diameter)
Do the same think with fabric for the inner of the bucket. (Does it make any sense?)

3. korak: pripnite dno na trak hlačnice.
Step 3: Attach bottom on the stripe of trouser leg.

4. korak: Zašij.
Step 4: Sew.
5. korak: Vstavi notranji del v košarico iz jeansa. Vrhnji del zavihaj in ga pripni.
Step 5: Insert the other bucket into Jeans-one and attach it. (See picture)
6. korak: Zašij.
Step 6: Sew.7. korak. Če se niste na poti izgubili, bi morali imeti sedaj v roki nekaj podobnega kot je spodaj na sliki :o)
Step 7: If the instructions had been of any use and you did not loose yourself in them, the result should look somewhat like this

8. korak. Zavihaj rob.
Step 8: Turn up the hem.
To je to. Uživajte.
This is it. Enjoy.


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
wonderful tutorial! I just decided tonight that I was going to use my husband's old jeans for making potholders and then I see your tutorial!!

Thanks so much for your kind words lately!!!
Oseba Mel @ Skye Rocket Sews sporoča …
Cute pots!
The tutorial looks really easy to follow.
The cake you made looks yummy.What type is it?
Oseba Amy sporoča …
Oh dear...this is great! No worries with your English! Everything is very clear. I am definitly adding this to my list of great ideas to try!
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I've been looking everywhere for a pattern for something like your Jean Bucket. I'm so thrilled that you posted them and I can't wait to make a few.

Bunny Blessings ~

Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.
Oseba Tina - omme i London sporoča …
What a wonderful idea - and a great tutorial! I have loads of material to make a few of these. Maybe I should get the sewing machine out of hibernation!
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
I would have to hand stitch this because I don't have a sewing machine. However, it would probably look cute hand stitched—maybe with a blanket stitch.

I often cut the pockets out of jeans and use them for gift bags or even napkin holders for a casual meal. I love being resourceful.

Thanks for sharing!

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